Paris 2012



Paris, France (2004)
Site Area: 0.85ha
Area: 8500 sqm(housing), 500 sqm (retail)
Type: residential


As part of the city of Paris’ bid for the 2012 Olympic Games, LAB was selected, though a competition process along with six other practices, to design a series of urban blocks within the proposed athletes’ village. the housing was to function as temporary accommodation for athletes and paralympians during the games, with subsequent retro-fitting resulting in a range of apartment types intended for sale.
A formal strategy of stacked volumes was adopted: that of offset and shift, enabling different apartment orientations relative to light and views: both towards the street and adjacent park, as well as to the various landmarks within the Paris skyline.
This stacking also created opportunities for balconies and roof terraces that could be incorporated within the apartments. the basic massing of the block consists of two assemblages: one along the street to the southwest, the other along the park to the northeast. these buildings are cut by a common plane which allows for the cross penetration of views.
The building facades are composed of a multilayered combination of vertical cast glass planks fixed at each floor level and an interior painted wall within which are positioned aluminium operable window frames. Sliding glass shutter panels between them to form a facade with constantly changing transparency.