Fractal Facade


The building facade system, utilising new understandings of spatial and surface geometries, allows for the individual buildings of federation square to be distinctly differentiated from each other, whilst simultaneously maintaining an overall site coherence.
the approach creates distinctions through a high degree of surface and material variation within the necessarily industrial, pre-fabricated construction techniques required for the realisation of a building complex the size of federation square.industrialisation no longer equates to standardisation, but instead allows for unique differentiation through material variety and surface figuration.
only three cladding materials; sandstone, zinc (perforated and solid) and glass have been used within a modular basis established by the triangular pinwheel grid. this fractally incremental system uses a single triangle, whose proportion is maintained across the single tile shape, the panel composed of five tiles and the construction module of the mega-panel composed of five panels.
the unique quality of the pinwheel grid lies in the possibility of surface figuration and framing shapes to be independent from the grid’s smallest component unit, the triangle.