Nanjing Xinjiekou Square Facade


建筑面积:109,000 平方米

整个立面设计采用模数化设计, 以期能够控制成本, 并在最短的工期内实现项目。裙房立面全部由三角形组成,各个面朝向角度略微变化,由深浅不一的橙色陶板组成,产生强有力的视觉冲

Sanpower Plaza is located in Xinjiekou in the city centre of Nanjing. The scope of LAB?s involvement was to assist in the re-invigoration of
the existing plaza with the addition of a new facade system for the International Finance Centre, Oriental Department Store,
New Century Shopping Mall and China World Trade Centre.
Under the premise of controlling costs, the facade has been rationalised into
modular design components in order to minimise project expenditure and to complete construction in the shortest possible time frame.

The podium facade is comprised of ceramic triangles, combined into various modular configurations in order to limit the amount of irregular
and custom panels. The low-cost, environmentally-friendly ceramic plates shimmer in various tones of orange, producing a strong and vivid visual impact.
A similar construction rationale is applied to the tower facade, which also includes an LED light proposal for spectacular night lighting scheme creating
a luminous new focal centrepiece for the Nanjing Skyline.